Is Mayor Walsh Pushing T-Ball out of Orono with Youth Sports Orgs?

Is #MayorWalsh is wiping out T-ball fields in Orono so that he can put another nonregulation sized Soccer field in? Looks like this is an inside deal with #MariaVeach (Orono Westonka Treasurer) again.

The Hackberry Hill neighborhood and the Baseball Association want two T-ball fields. Orono Parks Superintendent #JoshLemons says that he is not going to follow the neighborhood's wishes because there are others out there that want a substandard another sized soccer field? Weren't you just complaining about Bederwood's substandard sized soccer field in a recent meeting Mr. Lemons?

Let's get real. Orono is pushing out the entire T-ball League for the biggest field they can fit into Hackberry with 112 parking spaces. Sounds like this park is now becoming a home for soccer leagues with extensive play and associated hardcover for increased parking. Why does one organization get to change up an Orono park to suit their wishes? Do Orono city council members get on the council to push their special agenda?

Please do write the boards of Soccer, Football and Lacrosse and tell them that they have many fields in Orono - T-ball has just this Park and we'd like to keep them: Kristen Spargo Jake Streich Leah Larson

#togetherwearebetter #keeptballinorono #citizensfororono #friendsoforono


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Who is Maria Veach? What are her motivations?