City of Orono’s key issues: Attempted and ensuing hostile takeover of Long Lake Fire Department; Public fire lane/lake access sale to city official; public access right of way given to city council member; conflicts of interest; citizen suppression; lack of due process; communication and ethical standards; treatment of citizens, staff and peers…

Below is a list of some of the media coverage over the past years in chronological order. This is in no way a complete list of documentation, rather, some of the news sources and/or documents that have been released regarding Orono.

1/27/25 Orono City Council Agenda Packet - Page 37 - See the first section labeled “Purpose” and read the second part of the sentence. Yet another firefighter has resigned. Who? And Why? #oronocitycouncil #bobtunheim #jamesvaneyll #stevepersian #claireberrett

This is a Citizen response to a misleading post by Orono Planning Commissioner Jon Ressler posted the Facebook Community page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/749970001853359

Orono Citizens were outraged that Mr. Ressler was not transparent about his identity and his roll with the City of Orono. As an official that is working on City Business he should be very aware of his comments influencing and/or being added to the ongoing lawsuit about Orono’s breach of contract with the City of Long Lake. For more about the factual points of interest, please see https://www.longlakemn.gov/fire-services-updates-background-information #dennywalsh #vote4denniswalsh #oronomayordennywalsh #jonressler #mariaveach #orono #oronofireservice #llfd

This is a Citizen response to a misleading post by Orono Planning Commissioner Jon Ressler posted the Facebook Community page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/749970001853359 #dennywalsh #vote4denniswalsh #oronomayordennywalsh #jonressler #mariaveach #orono #oronofireservice #llfd

This is a Citizen response to a misleading post by Orono Planning Commissioner Jon Ressler posted the Facebook Community page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/749970001853359

#dennywalsh #vote4denniswalsh #oronomayordennywalsh #jonressler #mariaveach #orono #oronofireservice #llfd

This is a Citizen response to a misleading post by Orono Planning Commissioner Jon Ressler posted the Facebook Community page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/749970001853359

#dennywalsh #vote4denniswalsh #oronomayordennywalsh #jonressler #mariaveach #orono #oronofireservice #llfd

https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/opinion/lte-former-orono-council-member-wrong-in-letter/article_e20c9c84-58ab-11ef-9873-bb7440a3770b.html #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #aaronprintup #orono #oronocitycouncil

https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/opinion/lte-former-orono-council-member-wrong-in-letter/article_e20c9c84-58ab-11ef-9873-bb7440a3770b.html #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #aaronprintup #orono #oronocitycouncil

As featured in the Laker Pioneer https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/opinion/lte-former-orono-council-member-wrong-in-letter/article_e20c9c84-58ab-11ef-9873-bb7440a3770b.html #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #aaronprintup #orono #oronocitycouncil

https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/opinion/lte-former-council-member-s-letter-lacks-common-sense/article_50b2a49e-532a-11ef-a7dd-f3a32e0c0985.html #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #aaronprintup #orono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #richardcrosby

https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/opinion/lte-former-council-member-s-letter-lacks-common-sense/article_50b2a49e-532a-11ef-a7dd-f3a32e0c0985.html #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #aaronprintup #orono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #richardcrosby

https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/opinion/lte-former-council-member-s-letter-lacks-common-sense/article_50b2a49e-532a-11ef-a7dd-f3a32e0c0985.html #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #aaronprintup #orono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #richardcrosby

Featured in the Laker Pioneerhttps://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/opinion/lte-former-council-member-s-letter-lacks-common-sense/article_50b2a49e-532a-11ef-a7dd-f3a32e0c0985.html #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #aaronprintup #orono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #richardcrosby

As featured in the Star Tribune https://www.startribune.com/winner-of-the-award-for-friction-orono/600387367 #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #aaronprintup #orono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #richardcrosby

As featured in the Star Tribune https://www.startribune.com/winner-of-the-award-for-friction-orono/600387367 #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #aaronprintup #orono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #richardcrosby

As featured in the Star Tribune https://www.startribune.com/winner-of-the-award-for-friction-orono/600387367 #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #aaronprintup #orono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #richardcrosby

As featured in the Star Tribune https://www.startribune.com/winner-of-the-award-for-friction-orono/600387367 #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #aaronprintup #orono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #richardcrosby

https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/opinion/lte-orono-s-spending-spree-emptying-city-coffers/article_76668cbe-3228-11ef-9f4a-f7f738cfb2da.html #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #orono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #richardcrosby

https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/opinion/lte-orono-s-spending-spree-emptying-city-coffers/article_76668cbe-3228-11ef-9f4a-f7f738cfb2da.html #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #orono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #richardcrosby

https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/opinion/lte-orono-s-spending-spree-emptying-city-coffers/article_76668cbe-3228-11ef-9f4a-f7f738cfb2da.html #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalsh4mayor #denniswalsh4mayor #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshforonomayor #orono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #richardcrosby




Orono’s “Great Ride” at Taxpayer’s Expense

Mayor Walsh’s messages in the city newsletter boast of the last eight years being a “great ride”. Much of that "great ride” for him has come at the expense of increasing the city’s tax levy over 80% in those eight years. It's a great ride if one can spend, spend, spend.

Orono’s tax base and citizens' house assessments have never been higher in the city’s history. Inflated home values and new density developments have created the largest tax base from which to tax and spend. Repairing roads and maintaining parks is great but not creating a whole new fire department and going into debt to build a new supersized public works building when only a new outside storage area was needed. These new projects are costing the citizens over tens of millions of dollars. Instead of getting a break in tax rates when times are good, the Orono citizens are watching their property taxes rise and the city’s reserves dwindle.

As far as reserves go, Mayor Walsh’s spending has drained the capital parks fund hence he has to now annually levy for park money to get the fund back to zero. And many parks still lack basic upkeep. All of our sewer, water and stormwater funds were fully funded but now they are each being drained of over a million dollars to pay for the financial shortfall of the oversized public works building. This guarantees that monthly sewer, water and stormwater fees will remain high in the foreseeable future. And after all that additional spending, the new building does not have the new salt and commodities storage area built as there are presently no funds left to build it.

Mayor Walsh acts like he went out of his way to pay off the old city debt but that debt was scheduled to be paid off regardless of his actions. Instead he increased the debt to an all-time high by adding a $16 million debt obligation on the Orono citizens. And to top it off, this debt is spread out over 25 years vs the usual 15 years, so it will cost the Orono taxpayers another $5 million in interest.

The costs of starting up the Orono Fire Department are unknown - not even the city council or staff know what it is going to cost in the end. Just on financials alone, not considering the public safety aspect, this is unacceptable planning. One thing is known, it will be a very, very expensive fire department to support and operate.

Mayor Walsh paints a rosy picture but that comes from grandiose spending at the Orono taxpayers’ expense to make things look good. It is a classic example of government overspending when times are good so the ability to tax more is not as noticeable. Very expensive programs are being put in motion creating operating costs that will strap the taxpayers for years to come - does Walsh even care?

#togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono

Note the block voting by #mariaveach #dennywalsh #mattjohnson for the Orono Fire Department (OFD). Also note the repeated apparent Conflict of Interest on behalf of Council member Veach. Her husband will receive employment pay and a pension from the OFD. Featured in the Laker Pioneer Newspaper: https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/community/orono-fire-department-ranks-continue-to-grow/article_ac760da0-21a9-11ef-bdb4-cfba5347f3d7.html

Featured in the Laker Pioneer Newspaper: https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/community/orono-fire-department-ranks-continue-to-grow/article_ac760da0-21a9-11ef-bdb4-cfba5347f3d7.html

Featured in the Laker Pioneer Newspaper: https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/community/orono-fire-department-ranks-continue-to-grow/article_ac760da0-21a9-11ef-bdb4-cfba5347f3d7.html

Featured in the Laker Pioneer Newspaper: https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/community/orono-fire-department-ranks-continue-to-grow/article_ac760da0-21a9-11ef-bdb4-cfba5347f3d7.html

Featured in the Laker Pioneer Newspaper: https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/community/orono-fire-department-ranks-continue-to-grow/article_ac760da0-21a9-11ef-bdb4-cfba5347f3d7.html

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/L09UdgE6qGo

More Unbelievable Conversation with Orono City Officials

Listen to Mayor Walsh and Orono Planning Commissioner Dennis Libby deflect, distract and appear to blame and shame not only a Citizen at the meeting, but the City of Long Lake public officials as well.

Listen to Orono/Long Lake Firefighter apparently misquote Long Lake Mayor Miner, and then disparage the City of Long Lake.

Listen to Orono City Council member Maria Veach compare the process of fire service negotiations to her own experience of “dating in high school.” She is also taking credit for bringing the two “sides” together apparently against open meeting law.

The Citizen attending the meeting did point out that the Orono City Council does vote against Staff recommendations regularly, so if there is a plan from the two City Administrators/Fire Chiefs put forth, what will stop Walsh from block-voting against it? (Great point and this entire exercise may be a complete waste of time as the earlier Seals/Johnson negotiations were. And remember, Walsh cut the cord on communication just as there appeared to be an agreement.)

Contrasting Revelations//Some Highlights:

Fire Budget: #MayorDennisWalsh (DW) makes it sound as though there has not been a budget developed for Fire. However Orono Planning Commissioner #DennisLibby (DL) makes it sound as though Orono has been saving for 8 years to fund the duplicate fire service.

Fire Contract Negotiations: Firefighter #benveach says Long Lake Mayor Charlie Miner is waiting for the fall election to make a move on negotiation. (We don’t think he ever said that publicly because there isn’t any documentation that we can find.) However, #mariaveach (MV) appears to take the credit for bringing the two City Administrators and Fire Chiefs together to discuss solutions. She is also posting a rambling manifesto that appears to support the Orono takeover of LLFD?

Dennis Libby calls Orono Citizens “small guys” who “don’t know what they want.” He also explains that he’s been a public servant for the last 8 years so we wonder how many “small guys” he’s offended?

#mariaveach compares fire negotiations to dating in high school as we stated, but she also says she’s taking the emotion out of her comments.

Both #benveach and #mariaveach have ethical and financial conflicts of interest working on the Orono Fire Budget with fiscal outcomes. Yet both are openly commenting about litigation and taking it upon themselves to meet and discuss issues with both Orono and Long Lake.

#mariaveach says she’s taking over pulling together the Orono Fire Budget. After Orono has already spent millions? #conflictofinterest And don’t forget Dennis Libby says they’ve been saving for the budget for 8 years. So has Orono been shell gaming the budget and hiding it from the public? Why is the new kid on the block taking over the budget where she has been with the council 7 months (as we heard repeatedly).

#denniswalsh says he’s removing the Orono City Council from the negotiations (Maria Veach?) and then also says there are two no-go’s thereby limiting the mediation to his way or the highway.

#dennislibby blames Long Lake for Orono’s contempt of court judgements and refutes the judge’s opinion thereby focusing on the past and not the future for our communities.

#denniswalsh tries to blame and shame a Citizen into not speaking her opinion by mischaracterizing her tone, messaging and presence. Not only is this against First Amendment rights, it is also continuing rampant Citizen Suppression. During an election year?

#dennywalsh calls Hennepin County Judge Miller “the thought police'' and the lawsuit “a transition.” He says Orono Finance Director Ron Olson “retired” but we all know Mr. Olson took another job referring to the” stressful political climate” in Orono. DW calls Citizen "biased." DW says LL said in public that they weren’t negotiating in good faith. He also said that the Citizen “attacked everyone in Orono.” DW says she is “making up facts.” DW says she is crying “crocodile tears.” In general, #mayorwalsh was saying a lot of things he should apparently say to himself.

DL says the City of Long Lake needs to come into the 21st Century. He threatens Long Lake by saying Orono may not partner with them in the future. (does he have influence on that decision?) DL offers legal advice on contract law. DL says Citizen is precipitating derision. DL says “Long Lake precipitated most of this.” DL says the judicial arm of Hennepin County is listening to “voices” out there. DL says that Long Lake is suing Orono “like a little boy.” DL says Citizens are making Orono to be some kind of “bad guy”

We encourage all citizens to read the transcript and all the documentation for yourselves on fire here: https://www.longlakemn.gov/fire-servi...

We encourage all citizens to attend City Council meetings to make your voices heard!


KARE 11 reports on the lawsuit between Long Lake and the City of Orono. As the breach of contract case continues, more contempt of court rulings are sanctioned against the City of Orono.



This profane message was posted by Orono’s Lake Minnetonka Representative 1/15/24 in response to the Citizen outrage to his twitter feed (captured below). Is this a thinly veiled threat? Or just another slur at women and all the minorities he disparages below? How can he represent the Citizens of Orono when he clearly slurs women, Blacks, Asians, LGBTQIA groups and many others.

https://nextdoor.com/profile/016krFFCmN7LQjrDL/?is=detail_author #richanderson #richardanderson #lmcd

Screenshots of Orono’s Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Representative 1/2024 from Richard Anderson’s X feed. https://nextdoor.com/profile/016krFFCmN7LQjrDL/?is=detail_author #richanderson #richardanderson #lmcd

Screenshots of Orono’s Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Representative 1/2024 from Richard Anderson’s X feed. https://nextdoor.com/profile/016krFFCmN7LQjrDL/?is=detail_author #richanderson #richardanderson #lmcd

Screenshots of Orono’s Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Representative 1/2024 from Richard Anderson’s X feed. https://nextdoor.com/profile/016krFFCmN7LQjrDL/?is=detail_author #richanderson #richardanderson #lmcd

Hard copy handout from Orono Council member Alisa Benson to the Citizens of Orono 6/26/23. This appears to highlight the suppression of equal rights and free speech among Orono City Council members. Note how few committees Council member Benson has been appointed to and how many Mayor Walsh is on? Please ask Orono City Council for equal representation.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill




2 page letter mailed to Orono Residents dated 6/5/23 by four former Orono Mayors #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #mayordenniswalsh #mayordennywalsh @DennyWalshforOronoMayor @WalshforOronoCouncil #tajmahalpublicworksbuilding #longlakefiredepartment #llfd #orono @friendsoforono #spendydenny

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


2 page letter mailed to Orono Residents dated 6/5/23 by four former Orono Mayors #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #mayordenniswalsh #mayordennywalsh @DennyWalshforOronoMayor @WalshforOronoCouncil #tajmahalpublicworksbuilding #longlakefiredepartment #llfd #orono @friendsoforono #spendydenny

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


5/27/23 Laker Pioneer Newspaper via mail: Mayor Walsh extends reasoning for Victoria Seals resignation which took place behind closed doors without the public during/after a closed door legal meeting on May 22, 2023. This meeting was not recorded that we know of. If indeed Ms. Seals resigned for family reasons there should have been a public announcement. Citizens are questioning the resignation. Was she pushed out?

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


Fox 9 News covers the 5/23/23 Orono City Council meeting highlighting the voices of citizens.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


Once again, Orono's Mayor and Citizen Unrest makes nightly news - thank you Fox9 for bringing attention to how residents are treated and why. Channel 9 FoxNews 5/10/23.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


Eight former Long Lake and Orono Mayors submit a letter to the City of Orono to ask for public transparency in regard to meetings, budget and process. Submitted to the City of Orono July 20, 2022.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


The Executive Committee publishes a letter February 25, 2023 apparently negating previous statements by Orono Mayor #DennisWalsh. The letter is in response to a City of Orono Work Session meeting February 13, 2023 that is recorded here: https://youtu.be/CAqGbkoRh_o please see approximate minute mark 43.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


Orono Council member Richard F. Crosby II (Jr.) attending a Governor’s mansion rally December 5, 2020.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill
