Special Notice to Orono Citizens! Ethics Matter

Here is another example of block voting by three Orono City Council member to push through spending more taxpayer funds on the Orono Fire Department the residents clearly do not want.

Also pay special note to Orono Council member #MariaVeach She continually votes for the entity that will pay her husband for work and a pension. Isn't this an ethical conflict of interest? It sure is. See our page about Ms. Veach on our website for more information www.friendsoforono.org/maria-veach

Link to full article here: https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/opinion/lte-resident-concerned-with-orono-s-fire-services-path/article_e20362d0-2724-11ef-b62b-ab035215d3b4.html

#mariaveach #ofd #oronofire #oronocitycouncil #togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono


Orono Citizen writes concern about Orono's Fire Services


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