Why isn't Mayor Walsh following his own guidelines for Citizen input?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why isn't Mayor Walsh following his own guidelines for Citizen input?

When Denny Walsh first ran for mayor, he campaigned on allowing citizens the ability to publicly comment on any agenda item at a meeting. He went as far as publishing this on the top of the council agenda, "The public is invited to address the council regarding any item on the regular agenda. If your topic is not on the agenda, you may speak during the Public Comments section.”

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Is Orono hiding niche development because the Citizens don't want it?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is Orono hiding niche development because the Citizens don't want it?

City of Orono - where is our Public Information?

Lack of transparency, and suppression of information helpful to the citizens continues to plague this city council. One example is how the city council minutes have now been restructured to leave out public statements and other pertinent details that occurred during the meeting. Orono citizens are being actively suppressed from making their own determination on how their city is being run.

Another recent example is the 2/6/24 Park Commission meeting that was supposed to be broadcast and recorded. It has now disappeared entirely from the public record as of this posting.

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