Wealthy Orono Leverages Charity for the Needy - For Themselves?

You read that right - Orono - the 6th Wealthiest City in Minnesota - is leveraging a charity to build a shelter at its own revenue-generating golf course.

How did this come about? Apparently the Men's League Golfers, some of whom are Lions, wanted to build themselves a place to hang out. The clubhouse and deck weren't big enough so they are proposing using the Lions Club resources to build another structure.

Is this what is best for the golf course? With such a small parking lot, will this put pressure on other golfers who want to play? Tell Orono to consider and implement Citizen's voices BEFORE voting projects through. Let's not put the Lions in the middle of this consistently backwards process.

Tonight is the open house for this project that is already considered by the Orono City Council for approval. Tell Mayor Walsh to pull out the checkbook and stop leveraging charities to pay for Orono projects - #oronoproud #oronostrong #togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono


Orono Mayor Walsh “It’s all about the money.”


Mayor Walsh Publishes his phone number for feedback