Breaking News: Hackberry Grant to Eliminate T-Ball Fields is Denied

The 6th wealthiest city in Minnesota (Orono according to Forbes) was denied Hennepin County funding for the Hackberry Park project that meant losing two T-Ball Fields.

This is great news for baseball and T-ball enthusiasts because those two Hackberry fields are the only dedicated T-Ball fields in all of Orono. Mayor Walsh wanted them gone in lieu of another softball field, and multi use field we don't need or want.

The neighborhood came to all three Hackberry 'listening' sessions only to be told that the City considered 'other parties' more important. Those sessions were recorded and can be seen on our youtube channel here:

The $200k line item for Hackberry Park in 2024 appears to have been moved to the proposed Pickleball project in the Holbrook Park neighborhood. Sadly, this recreation development may devalue the properties due to invasive noise. The Donation Garden may be moved or given up all together. Keep in mind that garden feeds thousands in our community.

More short term thinking? Appears so, and that's why we need Citizens to come to City Council meetings and make their voices heard. Every voice matters and certainly neighborhoods that are affected by these changes should gather together and speak out on the public record.

Congratulations to everyone in the Hackberry neighborhood for standing up to keep T-Ball in Orono where it's been successfully played for many decades right in Hackberry Park! Looking forward to spring practice!

#togetherwearebetter #orono #friendsoforono


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