Say No to Christmas Fireworks in Orono

Orono City Council does it again. Sets off thousands of dollars of Fireworks on the wrong holiday for their own enjoyment. Citizens are voicing their concerns here:

Fireworks have been replaced across the country with laser and drone light shows for a number of reasons: 1) Fireworks scare all wildlife and many of our pets. 2) Fireworks create pollution. 3) Fireworks can be unsafe. 4) Fireworks are not a Christmas holiday tradition.

Stop the City of Orono’s unnecessary and misguided expenditures of grandeur for their own apparent self importance. As the reported wealthiest city in Minnesota, the Orono City Council should lead with environmental responsibility and altruism.

#togetherwearebetter #oronopublicrights


Breaking News: Hackberry Grant to Eliminate T-Ball Fields is Denied


Is the apparent "Scorched Earth" strategy what Orono Citizens voted for? Or even want? #startribune