Breaking News: City of Orono Appears to Break Open Meeting Law
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Breaking News: City of Orono Appears to Break Open Meeting Law


On Monday January 8th, 2024 three Orono City Council members gathered at the Long Lake Fire Department’s “Pinning Ceremony.” Orono Council members #MariaVeach, #MattJohnson and #RichardCrosby attended without a public announcement of a quorum (half or more members of City Council) to the Citizens of Orono.

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Hennepin County and the Nation focus on #racialhealing - Can Orono City Council Do the Same?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Hennepin County and the Nation focus on #racialhealing - Can Orono City Council Do the Same?

Ask #MayorDennyWalsh and the rest of Orono City Council to address #racialhealing in Orono. Both Orono City Council member #RichardCrosby and Orono's Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) Representative #RichAnderson need to hear how their language and actions affect women, minorities and others in Orono and our sister communities. Stand up against hate. Stand up for all Citizens in Orono and attend City Council meetings to make your voices heard.

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Say No to Christmas Fireworks in Orono
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Say No to Christmas Fireworks in Orono

Orono City Council does it again. Sets off thousands of dollars of Fireworks on the wrong holiday for their own enjoyment. Citizens are voicing their concerns here:

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Your Taxes Have been Going Up and Here's How
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Your Taxes Have been Going Up and Here's How

As home values go up so do your taxes, and the staggering truth is that we are all paying more - a lot more. Instead of lowering our tax rate like sister cities Minnetrista, Shorewood and Deephaven, Mayor Walsh is leaving it the same, and taking more and more from you.

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Orono City Council Member Matt Johnson: needs a variance for his Free right-of-way land
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono City Council Member Matt Johnson: needs a variance for his Free right-of-way land

Council member #MattJohnson seems to have no problem apparently trampling the city code, his future neighbors or the free speech of his fellow council members.

After heavy-handily getting Orono to give him public right-of-way for free so he could create two new lakeshore lots, he is now asking for a variance to build on one of them. On April 17th, the Orono Planning Commission agreed to give him his variance against citizen unrest.

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It’s Time for Orono to Listen
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

It’s Time for Orono to Listen

Let’s ask for a Listening Session For Hackberry Park Development Now

One of the primary reasons that there is so much unrest in Orono at this very moment is because the Park Commission and City Council are not asking the Citizens what they want BEFORE starting Park design and master plans.

Because the Citizens were not a part of the process from the beginning, there have been what appear to be four false starts.

Lack of listening sessions at Summit Beach, Lowry Woods Nature Conservation Area, Bederwood Park and Orono Golf Course lead to citizen unrest about the lack of engagement with the general public.

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