It’s Time for Orono to Listen

Let’s ask for a Listening Session For Hackberry Park Development Now

One of the primary reasons that there is so much unrest in Orono at this very moment is because the Park Commission and City Council are not asking the Citizens what they want BEFORE starting Park design and master plans.

Because the Citizens were not a part of the process from the beginning, there have been what appear to be four false starts.

Lack of listening sessions at Summit Beach, Lowry Woods Nature Conservation Area, Bederwood Park and Orono Golf Course lead to citizen unrest about the lack of engagement with the general public.

Special interest groups and friends of the city council got to put in their two cents but not the neighborhoods. And now, Hackberry Park is slated to get a “master plan” before any citizens get to voice their ideas for improvements.

All citizens need to be included - not just a ‘handful” of residents that run into a council member at the local market. Please contact Orono Parks Liaison Victoria Seals and ask her to support open, inclusive communication with all citizens regarding Orono Parks.

Ask our Parks Commission chair #brianroath and cochair #cameronporter to implement a listening session (or two!) for the Hackberry Park project now. #togetherwearebetter


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