Orono's Apparent Conflicts of Interest
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono's Apparent Conflicts of Interest

Let us count some of many ways it appears there are conflicts of interest in Orono:

1) #MayorDennisWalsh will not survey the Orono citizens, nor will he listen to repeated requests for budget information regarding two of Orono’s largest projects ie: “The Taj Mahal Maintenance Shed” and the Duplicate Fire Department. Clearly, he appears to have his own agenda, and isn’t this in direct conflict with his duties as Orono Mayor to act on behalf of the citizens?

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Orono City Council Member Matt Johnson: needs a variance for his Free right-of-way land
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono City Council Member Matt Johnson: needs a variance for his Free right-of-way land

Council member #MattJohnson seems to have no problem apparently trampling the city code, his future neighbors or the free speech of his fellow council members.

After heavy-handily getting Orono to give him public right-of-way for free so he could create two new lakeshore lots, he is now asking for a variance to build on one of them. On April 17th, the Orono Planning Commission agreed to give him his variance against citizen unrest.

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It’s Time for Orono to Listen
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

It’s Time for Orono to Listen

Let’s ask for a Listening Session For Hackberry Park Development Now

One of the primary reasons that there is so much unrest in Orono at this very moment is because the Park Commission and City Council are not asking the Citizens what they want BEFORE starting Park design and master plans.

Because the Citizens were not a part of the process from the beginning, there have been what appear to be four false starts.

Lack of listening sessions at Summit Beach, Lowry Woods Nature Conservation Area, Bederwood Park and Orono Golf Course lead to citizen unrest about the lack of engagement with the general public.

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