Orono City Council Member Matt Johnson: needs a variance for his Free right-of-way land

Council member #MattJohnson seems to have no problem apparently trampling the city code, his future neighbors or the free speech of his fellow council members.

After heavy-handily getting Orono to give him public right-of-way for free so he could create two new lakeshore lots, he is now asking for a variance to build on one of them. The Orono Planning Commission voted unanimously to all for the variance in the Planning Meeting dated . Those Planning Commissioners that voted to give a variance to a sitting Orono City Council member were #GaryKraemer, #MattMcCutcheon, #ChrisBollis, #BobErickson, #ScottKirchner, and #DennisLibby.

After dismissing the suggestions of his neighbors to present his building intentions before getting the free land, he is now proposing to put in a new house that will block some of their views.

And last but not least, he seems to have no restraint in over-the-top criticism of fellow council members if he does not agree with their views.

Seems like the behavior of someone who has not concern for others except to get what he can personally gain.

Make sure to voice your concerns to our other City Council members and Mayor:






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