Breaking News: City of Orono Appears to Break Open Meeting Law
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Breaking News: City of Orono Appears to Break Open Meeting Law


On Monday January 8th, 2024 three Orono City Council members gathered at the Long Lake Fire Department’s “Pinning Ceremony.” Orono Council members #MariaVeach, #MattJohnson and #RichardCrosby attended without a public announcement of a quorum (half or more members of City Council) to the Citizens of Orono.

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Who is Maria Veach? What are her motivations?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Who is Maria Veach? What are her motivations?

Something just isn’t right with Orono City Council member Maria Veach. She has two more conflicts of interest added to her list of seven.

The Orono City Council is hiring her Long Lake Firefighter husband on Monday, October 9, 2023. Why is she not recusing herself from all Fire related voting and negotiation?

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Walsh wants to spend $15-$20 Million Dollars Extra on Fire
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Walsh wants to spend $15-$20 Million Dollars Extra on Fire

Why do we need to spend $15-$20 Million or more Extra Dollars on a Duplicate Fire Department? That’s the fiscally prudent question that Mayor Walsh could not answer in the Coffee for the Mayor meeting held on 8/16/23. You can watch the entire meeting here:

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Alert for Orono Homeowners - Your Lk Mtka Views are Diminishing
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Alert for Orono Homeowners - Your Lk Mtka Views are Diminishing

Orono lakeshore homeowners pay attention to what the city council is discussing. They are considering loosening or removing the Average Lakeshore Setback rules. This could allow your neighbor to develop additional structures or build a new house in front of your home, possibly blocking some of your side views to the Lake.

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Is Trust in Orono City Council at an all time low?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is Trust in Orono City Council at an all time low?

Apparently, the trust in Orono City Council continues to plummet. With another preselected City Council member, #mariaveach, there seems to be little balance and open discussion. Most of Orono’s city business appears to be done in subcommittee meetings out of the public eye. Ms. Veach was appointed to three subcommittees in apparent Conflict of Interest because she and her husband who is a Firefighter may benefit from her work.

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Who is directing Orono City Staff behind the scenes?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Who is directing Orono City Staff behind the scenes?

Did #MayorWalsh just do it again?

Is he directing staff behind the scenes against Orono City Ordinance? It appears someone told City Staff to engage Oertel Architects without City Council direction to bid on remodeling the old Public Works Building for a Temporary Fire Station?

This also appears to be without Citizen Input and little City Council discussion if any. Now these actions are up for budget approval?

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Ben Franklin wonders where the City of Orono Reserves are?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Ben Franklin wonders where the City of Orono Reserves are?

Citizens of Orono and beyond, please ask Orono Mayor Walsh and City Staff where Orono financial reserves are right now, and into the next few years.

In the past, Orono had cash reserves on hand for several departments for emergencies and unplanned expenses. Are all those reserves gone now?

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Orono Taxes are Going Up AGAIN!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Taxes are Going Up AGAIN!

Orono Residents! Your #Taxes are about to go up AGAIN!

Mayor Walsh likes to spin the tax story to the fact that he hasn’t raised the tax rate, but your home values are going up every single year so your taxes are going up along with that trend.

#spendydenny could lower your tax rate like sister cities Deephaven, Shorewood and Minnetrista but no, he needs more funding for his multi million dollar boondoggles.

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Is this happening at Orono City Hall?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is this happening at Orono City Hall?

During the last City Council meeting, a Citizen called out a communication style that they felt the Orono City Council and specifically the Mayor was using with residents. This isn’t the first time a resident has brought up gaslighting as an Orono City Council communication style. Considering some of the major issues that are pending, we wondered if any of these points appeared to be exemplified?

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Apparently Council member Johnson is not Walking His Talk
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Apparently Council member Johnson is not Walking His Talk

Often, Orono Council member #MattJohnson engages in crosstalk during the mayor/council report. He uses this time to tear down fellow council members rather than giving his own report.

Why does he do that? Why does he feel obligated to bully people and defend the mayor? Does it have to do with the fact that Mayor Walsh paid for Matt Johnson's entire city council campaign?

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New Orono City Council member Does Not Recuse Herself
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

New Orono City Council member Does Not Recuse Herself

It appears that new Orono council member Ms. Veach is not afraid to create a possible conflict of interest with her husband being a Long Lake firefighter. She did not recuse herself prior to a closed legal session discussing the lawsuit between Long Lake and Orono which directly impacts the fire department that her family is involved with.

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Citizens Want Fire Decision Reconsidered
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Citizens Want Fire Decision Reconsidered

Citizens Speak Out in the recent Laker Pioneer 6/17/23

This issue will not be over until Orono lays down the autocratic sword and listens to the people. We want our Firefighters together with the Long Lake Fire Department. We want fiscal conservancy and our voices heard.

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Long Lake, Medina, Mtka Beach, Orono You are All Invited!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Long Lake, Medina, Mtka Beach, Orono You are All Invited!

It's Time for the All Important Meeting!

The Orono City Council Work Session at 4 pm Monday June 12th is when new candidates for the open Orono City Council member position will be interviewed. Also on the roster for the City Council Meeting is another decision about Orono Fire Service which we all know would be far less costly if we stayed with Long Lake, Medina and Minnetonka Beach.

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Where is Victoria Seals Statement to the Citizens?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Where is Victoria Seals Statement to the Citizens?

Victoria Seals, why didn’t you resign publicly? Why haven’t the citizens of Orono heard why you are resigning? Not notifying the citizens of your planned resignation under the mayor/council agenda or at the very least putting out a written resignation is not fair to those you have served.

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