Is Trust in Orono City Council at an all time low?

Apparently, the trust in Orono City Council continues to plummet. With another preselected City Council member, #mariaveach, there seems to be little balance and open discussion.

Most of Orono’s city business appears to be done in subcommittee meetings out of the public eye. Ms. Veach was appointed to three subcommittees in apparent Conflict of Interest because she and her husband who is a Firefighter may benefit from her work.

Currently she is on the Fire Negotiation, the Fire Advisory and the Budget subcommittees. Add insult to injury that she only asked to be on one committee and Mayor Walsh seemingly railroaded her appointment to three.

When are these conflicts of interest going to be stopped? When will all the City Council members take ethics training? When will the City Suppression tactics lessen?

Please come to City Council meetings so that other Citizens can hear your opinion. Your voice on the Public Record matters for the future of Orono.

#togetherwearebetter #citizensfororono #oronocitycouncil


Let's see all the Hackberry Park Concepts - Orono Citizens Paid for them


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