Council member Richard F. Crosby II - Hiding the Facts?

How does Mr. Crosby come up with these statements?

He said during the 7/24/23 Work Session “we haven't increased the overall tax budget, taxes has gone up simply because property values have...” This just isn’t the whole truth. Orono property values have gone up but the Orono tax levy is 100% under the control of the Orono City Council.

Since #richardfcrosby has come into office, the levy has GONE UP over 60% and with the next increase it will have gone up over 80%. You’d think Mr. Crosby would be more transparent about numbers? Certainly he wouldn’t want to mislead the Citizens of Orono?

Ask for a lower tax levy - the Residents of Orono deserve it after the runaway spending on the Taj Mahal Public Works Building. Budgeted at $13 million now totalling somewhere around $18 million with little to no input from the public.

Tell apparently angry #crossbee that he’d get a whole lot more honey without all the vinegar. #togetherwearebetter

#citizensfororono #friendsoforono #lowerthelevy


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