Walsh, Crosby and Veach Break Open Meeting Law, Again?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Walsh, Crosby and Veach Break Open Meeting Law, Again?

During the "For Profit" Pavilion ground breaking, Mayor Walsh and Orono Council members #richardcrosby and #mariaveach decided to hold a quorum without notifying the Citizens of Orono.

This appears to be yet again another violation of Open Meeting Law https://mn.gov/admin/data-practices/meetings/rules/

This law is in place to protect the Citizens so that they can know what is happening and participate in the governance of their community.

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4/10/24 Coffee with Mayor: Shame&Blame LL, Citizens; Misquotes, Misinformation, Meanness, &Dating??
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

4/10/24 Coffee with Mayor: Shame&Blame LL, Citizens; Misquotes, Misinformation, Meanness, &Dating??

More Unbelievable Conversation with Orono City Officials

Listen to Mayor Walsh and Orono Planning Commissioner Dennis Libby deflect, distract and appear to blame and shame not only a Citizen at the meeting, but the City of Long Lake public officials as well.

Listen to Orono/Long Lake Firefighter apparently misquote Long Lake Mayor Miner, and then disparage the City of Long Lake.

Listen to Orono City Council member Maria Veach compare the process of fire service negotiations to her own experience of “dating in high school.” She is also taking credit for bringing the two “sides” together apparently against open meeting law.

The Citizen attending the meeting did point out that the Orono City Council does vote against Staff recommendations regularly, so if there is a plan from the two City Administrators/Fire Chiefs put forth, what will stop Walsh from block-voting against it? (Great point and this entire exercise may be a complete waste of time as the earlier Seals/Johnson negotiations were. And remember, Walsh cut the cord on communication just as there appeared to be an agreement.)

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Mediation fails to end lawsuit between Long Lake and Orono
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Mediation fails to end lawsuit between Long Lake and Orono

The mediation between the City of Orono and the City of Long Lake did not bring our two cities closer together 9/26/23. Sadly, the Orono/Long Lake Citizens and the Long Lake Council want to come together and bring resolution to the contentious situation with three Orono City Council members. Please ask #mayordenniswalsh #councilmemberrichardcrosby and #councilmembermattjohnson to stop fighting with the overwhelming majority of constituents - stop spending tens of millions of dollars on a Stand Alone Fire Department we do not need.

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Orono Council member Richard Crosby in his own words
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Council member Richard Crosby in his own words

Orono Council member #RichardCrosby (RC): How does he come up with these statements?

RC: “I believe that the two people that are in the negotiating positions, which are Matt (Johnson) and Maria (Veach), should be the people attending this meeting. Without a doubt.”

Really Mr. Crosby? Well we have a lot more than doubt about this whole arrangement because Maria Veach’s husband is a fire firefighter and she has a clear Conflict of Interest on any fire related committee or meeting.

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Orono Council member Richard F. Crosby II - Denying Long Lake Fire Department Legacy?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Council member Richard F. Crosby II - Denying Long Lake Fire Department Legacy?

How does Mr. Crosby come up with these statements? He said during the 7/24/23 Orono City Council Work Session, “...that doesn’t even cover the lack of support and equipment the department needs…” Who voted to underfund and under capitalize the Long Lake Fire Department since you came into office Mr. Crosby? You did. Please take responsibility for your own actions instead of cowardly blaming the City of Long Lake. #integritymatters

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Walsh wants to spend $15-$20 Million Dollars Extra on Fire
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Walsh wants to spend $15-$20 Million Dollars Extra on Fire

Why do we need to spend $15-$20 Million or more Extra Dollars on a Duplicate Fire Department? That’s the fiscally prudent question that Mayor Walsh could not answer in the Coffee for the Mayor meeting held on 8/16/23. You can watch the entire meeting here: https://youtu.be/Rcu8c23X8qg

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In His Own Words: Orono Planning Commissioner Dennis Libby
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

In His Own Words: Orono Planning Commissioner Dennis Libby

In their own Words

Orono Planning Commissioner Dennis Libby has been very active, along with Mayor Dennis Walsh, in commenting about both private citizens and former officials. Both of them have been posting on Nextdoor through the local Politics group and commenting in various meetings. Attached is one of Libby’s rants criticizing former city officials during the 7/12/23 Coffee for the Mayor meeting. Is this ethical, professional or warranted? Isn’t the City Council and the rest of the departments including City Staff supposed to be nonpartisan?

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Alert for Orono Homeowners - Your Lk Mtka Views are Diminishing
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Alert for Orono Homeowners - Your Lk Mtka Views are Diminishing

Orono lakeshore homeowners pay attention to what the city council is discussing. They are considering loosening or removing the Average Lakeshore Setback rules. This could allow your neighbor to develop additional structures or build a new house in front of your home, possibly blocking some of your side views to the Lake.

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What is a Conservative?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

What is a Conservative?

Council member Richard F. Crosby II - Conservative No More? How does #richardcrosby come up with these statements? He said during the 7/24/23 City Council meeting, “Am I a conservative? Yes.” Really Mr. Crosby? Because you are spending taxpayer dollars like Orono money grows on trees.

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Council member Richard F. Crosby II - Hiding the Facts?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Council member Richard F. Crosby II - Hiding the Facts?

How does Mr. Crosby come up with these statements?

He said during the 7/24/23 Work Session “we haven't increased the overall tax budget, taxes has gone up simply because property values have...” This just isn’t the whole truth. Orono property values have gone up but the Orono tax levy is 100% under the control of the Orono City Council.

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“Walsh said city elections are sufficient public engagement”
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

“Walsh said city elections are sufficient public engagement”

Orono was not a kingdom nor an empire and yet, the citizens of Orono are treated as subjects with little rights to voice their opinions and participate in the process of their own government.

Mayor Walsh said elections replace citizen input yet he wonders why there is so much discontent in Orono.

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The Story of Funny Money and Two Fire Chiefs
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

The Story of Funny Money and Two Fire Chiefs

Why are Orono Citizens paying for two Fire Chiefs? Why does Mr. James Van Eyll have a command vehicle and he doesn’t have any fires to go to? Why was that written into his contract with the City of Orono?

Why are we paying over $100k in salary for at least two years and paying for his vehicle when he does not have a department to manage? Our fire service continues to be provided by Long Lake. Orono’s new fire chief just sits at a desk and figures out what a whole new department will need and cost. He does not fight any fires.

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