Alert for Orono Homeowners - Your Lk Mtka Views are Diminishing

Orono lakeshore homeowners pay attention to what the city council is discussing. They are considering loosening or removing the Average Lakeshore Setback rules. This could allow your neighbor to develop additional structures or build a new house in front of your home, possibly blocking some of your side views to the Lake.

In typical form, the Orono City Council is deciding what is best for Orono residents on this issue without notifying the citizens or asking for public input. The apparent disregard for the average lakeshore setback (ALS) was audibly heard during the last Orono City Council Work Session. To be seen in entirety here:

Note how Orono Council member #mariaveach asks the question: “Should the City’s role be to protect the view?” at minute mark 44:10. And then Orono City Council member #RichardFCrosbyII comments, “I say no.”

And Orono Mayor #DennisWalsh says “I don’t ever think we will ever get rid of the variances because of the nature of it’s so extreme and all over the place - but if we could chip off a few that make sense.” So we are going through changing an entire ordinance for a few variances?

And what about our recent developer Orono Council member #MattJohnson - the very same realtor who lobbied for free Orono public right of way property to be added to his own Wildhurst Woods multimillion dollar Forest Bay project - he said at Minute 40:13 “I think, you know what we have here is the ALS applies to protect neighboring views of the lake properties. I don’t think that is right.” Since he is developing property with new builds, of course he does not want any restrictions or protections in place that would benefit his neighbors.

It appears that once again, the Citizens of Orono are going to lose something near and dear to their hearts - their views of Lake Minnetonka - because three City Council members are deciding for you. They are not asking for your input, or being transparent about their motives.

Do not let a few individuals change the essence of your Lake Minnetonka lifestyle forever. Make sure you attend City Council meetings to stand up for your public rights. #togetherwearebetter #oronomn #cityoforono #oronocitycouncil #oronomayordennywalsh #richardfcrosby


In His Own Words: Orono Planning Commissioner Dennis Libby


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