What is a Conservative?

Council member Richard F. Crosby II - Conservative No More?

How does #richardcrosby come up with these statements?

He said during the 7/24/23 City Council meeting, “Am I a conservative? Yes.” Really Mr. Crosby? Because you are spending taxpayer dollars like Orono money grows on trees.

Your voting record belies that you may not be fiscally conservative at all according to the Oxford Reference definition: “Fiscal conservatism is a political philosophy that focuses on LOW TAXES, REDUCED GOVERNMENT SPENDING, and MINIMAL GOVERNMENT DEBT.”

Technically, Mr. Crosby is the opposite of the conservative stance because he’s voted for higher and higher tax levies, increased government spending on infrastructure and facilities, and enlarged the Orono government debt to levels never seen before.

#richardcrosby are you no longer a conservative? And isn’t it Orono tax dollars you enjoy spending?

Tell angry #crossbee to stop raising tax levies, reduce government spending and reduce Orono debt.

#oronocitycouncil #fiscalconservation #togetherwearebetter


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