Orono paves over more green space at Hackberry Park

Why is Orono taking the middle of a park for hardcover parking in a neighborhood? What happened to T-Ball? Won’t this bring more traffic and more league games to the small neighborhood park? More noise, more traffic, less green, less trees and less habitat for wildlife.

Green space is shown to add value to homeowner’s properties so why are Orono Parks turning into athletic centers?

Isn’t the school campus just blocks away big enough? Is there some reason the Citizens of Orono are losing green space for more sports fields?

Ask your City Council members to vote for the Citizens and not to take our neighborhood parks and make them into busy activity centers without your input. #togetherwearebetter

#cityoforono #orono #hackberrypark #friendsoforono


What is a Conservative?


Let's see all the Hackberry Park Concepts - Orono Citizens Paid for them