Let's see all the Hackberry Park Concepts - Orono Citizens Paid for them

Why is Brian Roath initiating Hackberry Park Concept before showing Citizens the Options?

Monday May 2, 2022, Orono Park Commission Chair #BrianRoath stated emphatically that he is ignoring constituents in a recorded public meeting. He also stated that he is a volunteer thereby intimating that he does not work for the citizens of Orono.

Monday, August 7, 2023 Roath does it again. “This is one of the concepts that Bolton & Menk brought to us. This is the one that we chose to start running with.” That’s right, a few individuals - namely Park Commissioner Brian Roath and Park Commissioner Gordy Stofer with Mayor Walsh watching from the back row decided the Hackberry Park park concept for you.

How is it that a few individuals decide such major decisions? Because it’s easy? Because this administration has a consistent aversion to surveying and listening to constituents? Or because we have one individual apparently with a control problem?

Orono Park Superintendent Josh Lemons goes on to say that this presented concept “suited a lot of needs for what the neighborhood was looking for” More hardcover? More traffic? More parking? Larger ball field that will hit balls into traffic on Willow? Less green? Less trees? We attended and recorded these listening sessions and there is no way this concept was what the citizens wanted. They do not want to overbuild this small neighborhood park.

Nobody from the Hackberry neighborhood has been notified about this concept. And for some reason the park commission agendas are no longer being emailed to the citizens who sign up. These are all examples of severe lack of transparency on the city council’s part.

#togetherwearebetter #herewegoagain #stopsubcommitteecitizensuppression #cityoforono #brianroath


Orono paves over more green space at Hackberry Park


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