Stop Orono Grant Funding for Parks We Don't Want
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Stop Orono Grant Funding for Parks We Don't Want

Orono City Council and Park Commission are trying to railroad through a Park Plan without Citizen input for grant applications. Once these applications are funded, the Park must include those features to which the grant applies i.e. Softball Field and yet another Soccer field.

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Who puts a parking lot in the middle of a Park?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Who puts a parking lot in the middle of a Park?

Hackberry Park Plan was presented and approved in one City Council meeting Monday August 28, 2023. There will not be a public hearing. There has not been any information in the city’s newsletter. This has all been decided by a couple of park commissioners and the city council - less then 10 people.

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Orono paves over more green space at Hackberry Park
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono paves over more green space at Hackberry Park

Why is Orono taking the middle of a park for hardcover parking in a neighborhood? What happened to T-Ball? Won’t this bring more traffic and more league games to the small neighborhood park? More noise, more traffic, less green, less trees and less habitat for wildlife?

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Let's see all the Hackberry Park Concepts - Orono Citizens Paid for them
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Let's see all the Hackberry Park Concepts - Orono Citizens Paid for them

Why is Brian Roath initiating Hackberry Park Concept before showing Citizens the Options?

Monday, August 7, 2023 Roath does it again. “This is one of the concepts that Bolton & Menk brought to us. This is the one that we chose to start running with.” That’s right, a few individuals - namely Park Commissioner Brian Roath and Park Commissioner Gordy Stofer with Mayor Walsh watching from the back row decided the Hackberry Park park concept for you.

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