Stop Orono Grant Funding for Parks We Don't Want

Orono City Council and Park Commission are trying to railroad through a Park Plan without Citizen input for grant applications. Once these applications are funded, the Park must include those features to which the grant applies i.e. Softball Field and yet another Soccer field.

Coincidentally, we found out during the 8/30/23 Listening Session that the Baseball Association had not even been contacted regarding this plan that cost the Citizens of Orono $9.3k.

The neighborhood has said repeatedly that they want two T-ball fields and one general use field for the park. Why are they being ignored? They also said they want green parking along Willow better marked. Why are they being ignored? They said they want an alternative plan that can be seen on our website:

Tell Orono Parks Superintendent #JoshLemons to listen to the stakeholders in this park - the Baseball Association, the other sports affiliations and the Neighborhood. Stop grant funding for Parks we don't want. Hackberry Park is owned by all the residents of Orono according to the Orono Park Commission.

Please copy City Administrator Adam Edwards and your favorite City Council member so that your comments are recorded into the public record.

#TogetherWeAreBetter #friendsoforono #oronomn #hackberrypark #makeyourvoiceheard


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