Is Council member Matt Johnson misleading Orono Citizens?

Orono City Council member Matt Johnson disparaged a fellow City Council member not once, but twice during the 8/28/23 City Council meeting.

Johnson belittled Citizens by making fun of their comments, their demeanor and even how they walk from the City Chambers.

He made proclamations about being a decision maker and supporter of what is right for Citizens even though the Council appears to be running Orono into financial peril for no reason.

Johnson appears to have limited credibility since he openly accepted payment of his campaign materials including signs and ads from #dennywalsh

He apparently lost most of the Citizens of Orono’s respect when he accepted the Orono Citizen’s land for free, a gift from Mayor Walsh and #richardcrosby

Tell Mr. Johnson to stop criticizing others, stop taking free public land, stop asking for variances on your own developments, and start showing fiscal discipline with the taxpayers money.

Stop Citizen Suppression Mr. Johnson. Stop bullying and trying to shut down those asking for transparency and accountability in Orono’s governance.

#togetherwearebetter #friendsoforono #citizensfororono


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