Orono's Debt Level Highest Ever

In the recent city newsletter, Mayor Walsh makes it sound like he's paid down or paid off City debt. The only decreases are those debt payments that were already scheduled to be paid yearly.

As a matter of fact, he has dramatically ballooned the city’s overall debt since he has been in office. This new debt load is not only the highest level ever, it also includes the addition of lots of new interest payments, around $5 million over a longer period of time, 25 years. For comparison, all the previous bonds were 15 year timeframes.

He’s also raised our taxes every year by not lowering the Orono tax rate. So please do not trust this discourse any longer. Look at the actual numbers to see that Orono has exceeded all previous debt levels, and check the trends on your own tax bill to see that you are most likely paying more and more.

Is #spendydenny hoping to fool the uninformed citizens? #MayorWalsh is the candidate that ran on the slogan “you can only spend what you have.” Tell #mayordenniswalsh to do what he said he would do - “count on me to make transparent decisions.” Dennis Walsh Platform

#citizensfororono #TogetherWeAreBetter #stopunecessaryspending #askforfiscalresponsibility


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