Why is Walsh Eliminating T-Ball from Orono?

Why would Mayor #DennisWalsh want to take away historic T-ball away from Orono? Is it because he needs funds to develop Hackberry Park? What this means is that T-ball will be wiped away from play in Orono all together. There are no other T-ball fields in Orono.

Why is money more important than our children Mr. Walsh? Why is money so important to you that you dissolve an entire division of a sport that is growing and more popular than ever to hardcover a park with something the Citizens do not want? We don’t need another softball field Mr. Walsh - there are over 20 in Orono already.

If your children have or do play T-ball, please write to Park Superintendent Josh Lemons and copy City Administrator Adam Edwards to ask them to stop with the Hackberry Plan today. Please listen to the Citizens to develop the plan with two T-ball fields and a multi use field shown here: https://www.friendsoforono.org/hackberry-park



#citizensfororono #hackberrypark #stopspendydenny #parksareforallofus


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