Why are Crosby's views on National Politics a topic during a local Council meeting?

Has Richard Crosby gone too far? Please watch the close up view of his what appears to be an angry rant during the 8/28/23 meeting here: https://youtu.be/jmxZfLpzunQ?feature=shared at about hour 3 and minute 54:00.

#richardfcrosbyII says

The U.S. Department of Justice is “crooked” because they are going after the next President of the United States.

He then disparages the current President of the United States.

He calls citizens' free speech “slander,” “degradation,” “put downs” and “threats.”

He calls FBI whistleblowers Democrats.

He says a Citizen is a “NAZI” because he hasn’t learned from history.

He wraps up by saying that protesting is “old, foolish and boring.”

Why does he use the Orono City Council meeting to politicize his own apparently extreme views? What does this have to do with Orono City business? Is this rhetoric offensive? Isn’t he creating more division? Should he be censured? Isn’t this why a fellow Council member tried to stop him?

Please attend the next City Council meeting Monday 9/11/23 6pm to make your voices heard.

#togetherwearebetter #citizensfororono #friendsoforono


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