Tell the City of Orono that our Woods don't need "Cleaning"

Who is maintaining Orono Parks?

Sadly, many of Orono Parks are in a degraded state because all these Park features take maintenance and upkeep. Bederwood Park is just one example. Many of the turf areas are mud, the park lot has been spray painted and the retention pond and lip by the Porta Potty are makeshift bike jumps.

Then on 9/11/23 Orono Parks Superintendent Josh Lemons walks through the Big Woods and degrades the area by blowing off topsoil and habitat for pollinators and wildlife. Why is he purposely degrading the area? Why is he doing this when there is a Minnesota Environmental Rights Act Case pending for this area?

The Parks budget is somewhere around $200k for next year and our Parks need more maintenance. Instead of building new things that the citizens don’t want. Let’s ask the Park Commission and City Council to step back from their overzealous development ideas and maintain what we already have. Instead of creating divineness in the community over park issues, work on stopping the slow decline of what we already have.

Green spaces add value to your property, not mud holes, hardcover and poorly maintained parks.

#TogetherWeAreBetter #citizensfororono #greenspace #friendsoforono


Orono Council member Richard Crosby in his own words


Why are Crosby's views on National Politics a topic during a local Council meeting?