Orono Council member Richard Crosby in his own words

Orono Council member #RichardCrosby (RC): How does he come up with these statements?

RC: “I believe that the two people that are in the negotiating positions, which are Matt (Johnson) and Maria (Veach), should be the people attending this meeting. Without a doubt.”

Really Mr. Crosby? Well we have a lot more than doubt about this whole arrangement because Maria Veach’s husband is a fire firefighter and she has a clear Conflict of Interest on any fire related committee or meeting.

RC: “It’s simple, it's clear.”

That’s right, it is simple and clear that #MariaVeach has a conflict of interest, and was preselected without the Citizens’ of Orono involved so that she could be strong-armed into voting for this extremely expensive Duplicate Fire Department that Citizens don't want.

RC: “It’s an expertise thing.”

Correct again Mr. Crosby. Orono City Council member Alisa Benson was VOTED into office, and represents the Citizens with nearly nine months of government experience under her belt. #MariaVeach on the other hand is playing catch up, and apparently just voting along with the block of Walsh, Johnson, and Crosby as they were the three that placed her in office.

Who has more expertise and NO Conflict of Interest? Alisa Benson and yet, you refuse to allow her to participate in any Fire discussions.

If you weren’t apparently afraid of democracy Mr. Crosby, you would respectfully open up discussion with Citizens and Ms. Benson. That is simple and clear.

See the video with his statements here: https://youtu.be/ifh36n3QQEs?si=PGGt7u7Fbp31OvU_

#togetherwearebetter #citizensfororono #friendsoforono


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