Mayor Walsh Eliminates T-Ball In Orono: Dozens of Residents Speaking Out

T-Ball in Hackberry Park has been a place for our children to learn how to play ball. It’s been the first place Orono kids have started their love of the game. During the spring and summer both fields are busy with games several nights a week.

Due to the City of Orono’s desire to develop the park, they have decided to apply for grants for a softball field. Their plan is to eliminate both T-ball fields presumably because they can’t get grant money to redevelop those fields for T-ball.

During the last City Council meeting #MayorDennisWalsh said one Citizen whom he named, was good with the original plan. One Citizen? Dozens of citizens are upset including the Baseball Association.

This is not what the Citizens want. Please see the link to their proposed plan and the Citizen's plan here on our website:

Write to City Administrator Adam Edwards and Park Superintendent Josh Lemons to tell them to keep T-Ball in Orono. Wiping out a whole level of beginning play for our children is not long range planning, it’s a short term strong arm grab for funding.

See our youtube video here:

#togetherwearebetter #citizensfororono #friendsoforono


How is Mayor Walsh Funding his Pet Projects?


Orono Council member Richard Crosby in his own words