Orono and Mayor Walsh mixed Social Media Messaging
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono and Mayor Walsh mixed Social Media Messaging

Is Mayor Walsh employing Confusion? Control? Why is he reposting Orono City business posts with his own comments? Why not do that on the Orono City Facebook page? Or the Orono Fire page? As a public official is he misusing social media?

Is this further Citizen Suppression that Mayor Walsh seems to have a track record of implementing?

Remember when he changed Citizen comments from 5 minutes to 3 minutes? (contrary to #matthewjohnson's recent comments this move was due to Citizen unrest)

And then placed the Citizen comments at the very end of the meeting?

And in spite, he often schedules a 5 minute recess before the comment period so citizens have to wait that much longer?

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Heal our Community by making Your Voices Heard!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Heal our Community by making Your Voices Heard!

Please don’t assume these expensive proposals such as spending millions for another fire service can't be undone. Now that Orono Mayor Walsh has finally publicly written in the city newsletter about his go-it-alone approach to start up a fire department, the Orono citizens can speak up. Citizens can finally see how the economics and risk to public safety of this proposal doesn’t add up.

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$2.66 Million from Utilities is paying for other Orono Projects?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

$2.66 Million from Utilities is paying for other Orono Projects?

It’s a Budget Shell Game isn’t it? Are Orono Utility Rates so high they are funding other projects?

Under Mayor Walsh, the usage rates for Orono’s sewer and water has increased to the point that it has created a large surplus. Instead of reducing fees, Walsh is proposing taking $1.66 million from the sewer fund and $1 million from the water fund to make up budget deficits he has created with his oversized public works building and startup fire department.

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The Taj is now $11+M Over Budget?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

The Taj is now $11+M Over Budget?

Orono’s “Taj Mahal” Public Works Facility

Why so BIG Orono? Why add on an additional 30,000 square feet when our population hasn’t grown but 1% a year?

Why so BIG Orono? Having to bond for this has created interest payments of $6 million over 25 years.

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Where is the Revised Hackberry Park Plan? Why isn't it part of the Grant Packet for 9/25/23?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Where is the Revised Hackberry Park Plan? Why isn't it part of the Grant Packet for 9/25/23?

Once again we are discussing lack of process with the #OronoCityCouncil and #mayorwalsh

Apparently Mayor Walsh has been communicating with only one resident to revise the last publicly shared Hackberry Park Plan. Where is the new revised plan for Hackberry Park? This plan is part of a grant application that is up for approval tomorrow Monday, September 25 at the Orono City Council meeting.

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Why is Mayor Walsh Paving over T-Ball?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why is Mayor Walsh Paving over T-Ball?

It's almost Hackberry Park's 50th Anniversary and look what's happening. The City of Orono wants to pave over one of the T-ball fields for a parking lot. How about parking on the Willow side and two T-ball fields so that next year can be a celebration and not a sad event with more hardcover?

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How is Mayor Walsh Funding his Pet Projects?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

How is Mayor Walsh Funding his Pet Projects?

Our Orono taxes are proposed to rise again this year. The city council wants to approve a 12% increase in property taxes for next year and this is on top of increased utility fees. Our Sewer rates are the 2nd highest in the West Metro. Our Water rates are higher than needed.

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Mayor Walsh Spends More and More on Failed LLFD Take Over
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Mayor Walsh Spends More and More on Failed LLFD Take Over

Mayor Dennis Walsh sure likes to spend taxpayer dollars on his pet projects doesn't he? Now he wants a temporary fire station apparently because his hostile attempt at taking over Long Lake Fire Department failed. He's hoping you don't notice that he's spending more and more funding on a duplicate fire department we don't need.

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The Deal is On the Table Orono City Council!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

The Deal is On the Table Orono City Council!

Long Lake is offering Orono more control of the Existing Fire Department. The city of Long Lake is offering to create a new governance board for the existing fire department. Orono began exploring this idea until Mayor Walsh stopped the negotiations.

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Who is directing Orono City Staff behind the scenes?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Who is directing Orono City Staff behind the scenes?

Did #MayorWalsh just do it again?

Is he directing staff behind the scenes against Orono City Ordinance? It appears someone told City Staff to engage Oertel Architects without City Council direction to bid on remodeling the old Public Works Building for a Temporary Fire Station?

This also appears to be without Citizen Input and little City Council discussion if any. Now these actions are up for budget approval?

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Ben Franklin wonders where the City of Orono Reserves are?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Ben Franklin wonders where the City of Orono Reserves are?

Citizens of Orono and beyond, please ask Orono Mayor Walsh and City Staff where Orono financial reserves are right now, and into the next few years.

In the past, Orono had cash reserves on hand for several departments for emergencies and unplanned expenses. Are all those reserves gone now?

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The Orono 7: Civil and Federal Lawsuits Pending
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

The Orono 7: Civil and Federal Lawsuits Pending

The Orono 7. Is the City of Orono gambling away our future? There are seven active lawsuits right now against the City of Orono, et al, and four of them made it over the hurdle of dismissal already.

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Your Taxes Have been Going Up and Here's How
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Your Taxes Have been Going Up and Here's How

As home values go up so do your taxes, and the staggering truth is that we are all paying more - a lot more. Instead of lowering our tax rate like sister cities Minnetrista, Shorewood and Deephaven, Mayor Walsh is leaving it the same, and taking more and more from you.

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