Where is the Revised Hackberry Park Plan? Why isn't it part of the Grant Packet for 9/25/23?

Once again we are discussing lack of process with the #OronoCityCouncil and #mayorwalsh

Apparently Mayor Walsh has been communicating with only one resident to revise the last publicly shared Hackberry Park Plan. Where is the new revised plan for Hackberry Park? This plan is part of a grant application that is up for approval tomorrow Monday, September 25 at the Orono City Council meeting.

Why didn't City Administrator #AdamEdwards include the revised park plan in the packet for the City Council meeting? Isn't the City Council voting to apply for a grant? How can they apply for a youth grant without citizen buy-in? Isn’t this unethical?

Why is Mayor Walsh redesigning a park behind the scenes? Isn’t this more Citizen Suppression on the part of Orono? Is this the only path for additional funding?

Did you know it's the 50th Anniversary of Hackberry Park next year? Can you imagine wiping out half or all of the T-ball fields? Can you imagine paving over part of the park to add MORE parking? Is Mayor Walsh overbuilding another park?

Write to Orono Park Superintendent #JoshLemons and City Administrator Adam Edwards to ask them to share the revised plan for Hackberry BEFORE approving a grant application:



See our youtube video here: https://youtu.be/Tkih-ptQhVc?si=l7pormcBBrDwCFI7

#parksareforallofus #citizensfororono #friendsoforono #togetherwearebetter


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