Why is Mayor Walsh Paving over T-Ball?

It's almost Hackberry Park's 50th Anniversary and look what's happening. The City of Orono wants to pave over one of the T-ball fields for a parking lot. How about parking on the Willow side and two T-ball fields so that next year can be a celebration and not a sad event with more hardcover?

The Citizens of Hackberry Hill and others that use the park have been clear - they want two T-ball fields and parking along the Willow side inside a one way barrier. They want the drainage fixed but not anything that was drawn on the last plan. And speaking of plans, where were the others? The Citizens paid for those plans and we should see them.

Please email the city council and ask them to listen to the Citizens and stop designing behind the scenes. If the City of Orono is applying for a grant, the Citizens should have a say in what happens to their park.



#togetherwearebetter #citizensfororono #friendsoforono


Where is the Revised Hackberry Park Plan? Why isn't it part of the Grant Packet for 9/25/23?


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