Citizens Speak Out at 1/8/24 Orono City Council Meeting
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Citizens Speak Out at 1/8/24 Orono City Council Meeting

Krista goes on to make another great point - why belittle the LLFD, and then hire their Chief and several of their Firefighters? This form of double talk to the Citizens of Orono is insulting given the vast expense that Orono taxpayers will be footing for this unnecessary fire department - millions of dollars yet to be finalized and explained in a public manner

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$2.66 Million from Utilities is paying for other Orono Projects?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

$2.66 Million from Utilities is paying for other Orono Projects?

It’s a Budget Shell Game isn’t it? Are Orono Utility Rates so high they are funding other projects?

Under Mayor Walsh, the usage rates for Orono’s sewer and water has increased to the point that it has created a large surplus. Instead of reducing fees, Walsh is proposing taking $1.66 million from the sewer fund and $1 million from the water fund to make up budget deficits he has created with his oversized public works building and startup fire department.

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Is Orono's New Public Works Building running 30% over budget?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is Orono's New Public Works Building running 30% over budget?

Orono has designed a Giant Public Works building that is double the size of the existing Public Works facility. Why build double the space with virtually no increase in population or no justification in analysis?

These are good questions, and now we see the budget for this project has grown nearly 30%? This brand new building was bonded at $13 million. Then apparently bid at $16 million, and now looks like it will cost somewhere around $21+ million including interest.

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Long Lake Files Motion and supports "threatened" Firefighter in Hennepin County Court 10/13/23
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Long Lake Files Motion and supports "threatened" Firefighter in Hennepin County Court 10/13/23

The City of Long Lake files a motion for order to show cause and a supporting memorandum of law today in Hennepin County District Court. A hearing scheduled for matter will be held November 8th regarding the recruitment and hiring of Long Lake Firefighters.

Of special note is Long Lake's support for a Firefighter who has been threatened and apparently bullied on social media by the Orono Mayor Dennis Walsh.

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Who is Maria Veach? What are her motivations?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Who is Maria Veach? What are her motivations?

Something just isn’t right with Orono City Council member Maria Veach. She has two more conflicts of interest added to her list of seven.

The Orono City Council is hiring her Long Lake Firefighter husband on Monday, October 9, 2023. Why is she not recusing herself from all Fire related voting and negotiation?

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Why is Mayor Walsh Paving over T-Ball?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why is Mayor Walsh Paving over T-Ball?

It's almost Hackberry Park's 50th Anniversary and look what's happening. The City of Orono wants to pave over one of the T-ball fields for a parking lot. How about parking on the Willow side and two T-ball fields so that next year can be a celebration and not a sad event with more hardcover?

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Is Trust in Orono City Council at an all time low?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is Trust in Orono City Council at an all time low?

Apparently, the trust in Orono City Council continues to plummet. With another preselected City Council member, #mariaveach, there seems to be little balance and open discussion. Most of Orono’s city business appears to be done in subcommittee meetings out of the public eye. Ms. Veach was appointed to three subcommittees in apparent Conflict of Interest because she and her husband who is a Firefighter may benefit from her work.

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Where's the Budget? Another omission by Orono Mayor Walsh
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Where's the Budget? Another omission by Orono Mayor Walsh

Finally the Orono citizens get some info in the city newsletter about this radical idea to change the city’s fire service. Mayor Walsh claims that the fire contract ended, but in reality he decided to not extend it or work with Long Lake to negotiate a revised one. That's a big difference as far as intention goes.

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Apparently Council member Johnson is not Walking His Talk
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Apparently Council member Johnson is not Walking His Talk

Often, Orono Council member #MattJohnson engages in crosstalk during the mayor/council report. He uses this time to tear down fellow council members rather than giving his own report.

Why does he do that? Why does he feel obligated to bully people and defend the mayor? Does it have to do with the fact that Mayor Walsh paid for Matt Johnson's entire city council campaign?

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Tell Mayor Walsh to stop promoting the Fictitious Duplicate Fire Service
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Tell Mayor Walsh to stop promoting the Fictitious Duplicate Fire Service

Is the Orono Fire Department for real?

Not according to the State Fire MarshalNot according to the Minnesota State Legislature

Not according to sister cities around us

Not according to the pension funding

Not according to the Long Lake Fire Fighters

Not according to 722 citizens that signed the petition

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Orono Citizens' Voices Need to be Heard
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Citizens' Voices Need to be Heard

'The survival of democracy depends upon the trust of the people and that necessitates a government with integrity and competence, one that is truly "of the people, by the people and for the people."'

- Former Governor Arne Carlson Star Tribune June 19, 2023

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Citizens Want Fire Decision Reconsidered
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Citizens Want Fire Decision Reconsidered

Citizens Speak Out in the recent Laker Pioneer 6/17/23

This issue will not be over until Orono lays down the autocratic sword and listens to the people. We want our Firefighters together with the Long Lake Fire Department. We want fiscal conservancy and our voices heard.

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What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now? Debt.
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now? Debt.

What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now?

Debt. Orono is in debt to more than double we ever have been and that debt is going to possibly grow with further overruns on projects that we didn’t vote for.

We need Citizens to come to City Council meetings and speak about our fiscal situation. No matter how Mayor Walsh spins the tale, we are in massive debt for years to come with high interest payments more than ever before.

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Where is Orono's Fiscally Conservative Leadership?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Where is Orono's Fiscally Conservative Leadership?

It’s not Orono Mayor #SpendyDenny Walsh who wants to spend millions more of your tax dollars for a duplicate Fire Department we don’t want or need. This after placing Orono in higher debt than ever in history - $19 million plus interest - #MayorDennisWalsh raised city taxes 20.77%. last year.

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Stop Orono's Overspending Attend May 22 City Council Meeting
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Stop Orono's Overspending Attend May 22 City Council Meeting

Citizens of Orono - do you want to spend multi millions more on Duplicate Fire Service? Why is Orono talking about borrowing money from other funds for this expenditure? It's because they haven't told us a budget. Why? Because it's going to be expensive by anyone's guess.

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Mayor Walsh, Park Commission spend taxpayer funds to design Pickleball Courts at Bederwood Park
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Mayor Walsh, Park Commission spend taxpayer funds to design Pickleball Courts at Bederwood Park

Thousands of Orono Citizen Voices were Silenced April 24, 2023.

This is the moment that #MayorDennisWalsh pushes out consideration of a citywide citizen survey until December 11, 2023. Going along with this vote are Orono Council members #richardcrosbyII and #mattjohnson

A citywide survey would help to quell the unrest in Orono now and it’s exactly what would help a mediator end all the angst. The first step in successful negotiations is to listen to everyone at the table.

Mayor Walsh, are Orono Citizens even at the table?

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