What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now? Debt.

There are several red flags in this situation:

1) Mayor Walsh says he’s running the Fire Department budget by “intuition.” We still do not have a transparent budget.

2) Mayor Walsh (and City Council) bonded the Taj Mahal Public Works building for $13 million and then approved the construction bid for $16 million? Where is the $3 million going to come from? Was that transparent to the public?

4) Mayor Walsh is spinning our property tax increases to be minimal, but they are far greater because he apparently refuses to adjust the rate like we’ve done in the past or that sister cities have done for their citizens.

5) Mayor Walsh (and Richard Crosby) have voted to hand over public land to city officials for their own private wealth.

6) Mayor Walsh has apparently condoned Mr. Crosby’s Proud Boy fundraising using the Orono City Seal in a photograph.

7) Mayor Walsh has not treated fellow city officials nor citizens with respect and continues to suppress citizen voices by not surveying the public, and apparently trying to control the narrative both in public meetings and on social media.

Mayor Walsh was untruthful about attending League of Minnesota ethics training.

9) Mayor Walsh (and City Council) have tried to develop Orono Parks into niche activities with little to no public input: Summit Beach with an over 7000 square foot clubhouse, Lowry Woods Nature Conservation Area into a Public Mountain Bike Course, Orono Golf Course with a Pickleball/Hockey Rink, Bederwood Park with Public Mountain Bike Courses and Pickleball Courts.

While some of the above issues have been attention grabbing, the most serious issue facing our city is our spending. Why is Mayor Walsh spending funds on projects we don’t want when we are so far in debt? Ask #spendydenny to stop running budgets by intuition and come clean on our finances. Come to city council meetings to voice your concerns.


Citizens Want Fire Decision Reconsidered


How many Millions are Orono Citizens going to let Mayor Walsh run over?