Why is the City of Orono Flying the Blue Line Flag?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why is the City of Orono Flying the Blue Line Flag?

Our own city is divided by hate speech and symbology. By not considering that certain extremist groups took over the Blue Line Flag for their own rallies and communication, we are ignoring all those groups that are marginalized.

Please consider taking down a symbol that has now been confused with violence and anger overriding the positive symbols of Law Enforcement.

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Is Trust in Orono City Council at an all time low?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is Trust in Orono City Council at an all time low?

Apparently, the trust in Orono City Council continues to plummet. With another preselected City Council member, #mariaveach, there seems to be little balance and open discussion. Most of Orono’s city business appears to be done in subcommittee meetings out of the public eye. Ms. Veach was appointed to three subcommittees in apparent Conflict of Interest because she and her husband who is a Firefighter may benefit from her work.

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Orono Taxes are Going Up AGAIN!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Taxes are Going Up AGAIN!

Orono Residents! Your #Taxes are about to go up AGAIN!

Mayor Walsh likes to spin the tax story to the fact that he hasn’t raised the tax rate, but your home values are going up every single year so your taxes are going up along with that trend.

#spendydenny could lower your tax rate like sister cities Deephaven, Shorewood and Minnetrista but no, he needs more funding for his multi million dollar boondoggles.

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What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now? Debt.
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now? Debt.

What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now?

Debt. Orono is in debt to more than double we ever have been and that debt is going to possibly grow with further overruns on projects that we didn’t vote for.

We need Citizens to come to City Council meetings and speak about our fiscal situation. No matter how Mayor Walsh spins the tale, we are in massive debt for years to come with high interest payments more than ever before.

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How many Millions are Orono Citizens going to let Mayor Walsh run over?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

How many Millions are Orono Citizens going to let Mayor Walsh run over?

Ever heard the comment you are up to your eyeballs in debt? Well that may very well be the case already in Orono. If #spendydenny Walsh gets his new duplicate fire department this coming Monday, he apparently will spend anywhere from $7 million up to $15 million as estimated by former Firefighters.

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