How many Millions are Orono Citizens going to let Mayor Walsh run over?

Ever heard the comment you are up to your eyeballs in debt? Well that may very well be the case already in Orono.

If #spendydenny Walsh gets his new duplicate fire department this coming Monday, he apparently will spend anywhere from $7 million up to $15 million as estimated by former Firefighters.

We are already over around $6 million for the "Taj Mahal" public works building with more expenses on the way for a total of close to $18 million. This project was initiated at $6 million, then $10 million, and then bonded at $13 million, and bid at $16 million. It just keeps going up and up.

Where are all these millions in over run coming from? Your rising taxes! Let's stop this now from continuing to take Orono down a trail where we are in debt for decades.

Say no to Orono Duplicate Fire. Say no to more Taj Mahal build out. Say no to rising taxes.


What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now? Debt.


Long Lake, Medina, Mtka Beach, Orono You are All Invited!