Long Lake, Medina, Mtka Beach, Orono You are All Invited!

It's Time for the All Important Meeting!

The Orono City Council Work Session at 4 pm Monday June 12th is when new candidates for the open Orono City Council member position will be interviewed. The decision, which apparently may be already decided, will be confirmed during the following regular City Council meeting at 6 p.m.

Also on the roster for the City Council Meeting is another decision about Orono Fire Service which we all know would be far less costly if we stayed with Long Lake, Medina and Minnetonka Beach. This boondoggle may be why former Council member Seals resigned.

Please come to make your voices heard! We need to hold our city council fiscally responsible! Tell City Council to stop raising our taxes to pay for things we don't need or want!

#togetherwearebetter #longlakefiredepartment #llfd #medina #minnetonkabeach #longlake


How many Millions are Orono Citizens going to let Mayor Walsh run over?


Where is Orono's Fiscally Conservative Leadership?