Breaking News: Wealthy Orono leverages Charitable Org to design/build structure in For Profit Golf Course
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Breaking News: Wealthy Orono leverages Charitable Org to design/build structure in For Profit Golf Course

Breaking News: Wealthy Orono leverages Charitable Org

to design/build structure in For Profit Golf Course

Orono Mayor Denny Walsh has coordinated behind the scenes to have a structure built on the Orono Golf Course. What is odd about this is that he is asking the Charitable Organization @Lionsclub to do it.

Currently, Walsh is spending tens of millions on other Orono projects so why rope in a charity to build something for - dare we say - a sport for the wealthy? Is it because he has run out of park funding right now in Orono? Is it because he wants this built for another special interest group?

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Isn't Mayor Walsh Greenwashing Orono? #callhimonit
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Isn't Mayor Walsh Greenwashing Orono? #callhimonit

What is Greenwashing?

That’s when a person or entity releases and/or promotes environmentally friendly messaging to help them look like they are helping and/or care about the environment. In reality they are not helping, and in fact, may be harming the environment.

Isn't it interesting that Mayor Walsh chose Earth Day, Week and Month to start his own apparent greenwashing campaign for himself and the City of Orono?

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Is Orono's New Public Works Building running 30% over budget?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is Orono's New Public Works Building running 30% over budget?

Orono has designed a Giant Public Works building that is double the size of the existing Public Works facility. Why build double the space with virtually no increase in population or no justification in analysis?

These are good questions, and now we see the budget for this project has grown nearly 30%? This brand new building was bonded at $13 million. Then apparently bid at $16 million, and now looks like it will cost somewhere around $21+ million including interest.

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Apparently Council member Johnson is not Walking His Talk
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Apparently Council member Johnson is not Walking His Talk

Often, Orono Council member #MattJohnson engages in crosstalk during the mayor/council report. He uses this time to tear down fellow council members rather than giving his own report.

Why does he do that? Why does he feel obligated to bully people and defend the mayor? Does it have to do with the fact that Mayor Walsh paid for Matt Johnson's entire city council campaign?

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New Orono City Council member Does Not Recuse Herself
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

New Orono City Council member Does Not Recuse Herself

It appears that new Orono council member Ms. Veach is not afraid to create a possible conflict of interest with her husband being a Long Lake firefighter. She did not recuse herself prior to a closed legal session discussing the lawsuit between Long Lake and Orono which directly impacts the fire department that her family is involved with.

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Tell Mayor Walsh to stop promoting the Fictitious Duplicate Fire Service
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Tell Mayor Walsh to stop promoting the Fictitious Duplicate Fire Service

Is the Orono Fire Department for real?

Not according to the State Fire MarshalNot according to the Minnesota State Legislature

Not according to sister cities around us

Not according to the pension funding

Not according to the Long Lake Fire Fighters

Not according to 722 citizens that signed the petition

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What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now? Debt.
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now? Debt.

What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now?

Debt. Orono is in debt to more than double we ever have been and that debt is going to possibly grow with further overruns on projects that we didn’t vote for.

We need Citizens to come to City Council meetings and speak about our fiscal situation. No matter how Mayor Walsh spins the tale, we are in massive debt for years to come with high interest payments more than ever before.

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Long Lake, Medina, Mtka Beach, Orono You are All Invited!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Long Lake, Medina, Mtka Beach, Orono You are All Invited!

It's Time for the All Important Meeting!

The Orono City Council Work Session at 4 pm Monday June 12th is when new candidates for the open Orono City Council member position will be interviewed. Also on the roster for the City Council Meeting is another decision about Orono Fire Service which we all know would be far less costly if we stayed with Long Lake, Medina and Minnetonka Beach.

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Where is Orono's Fiscally Conservative Leadership?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Where is Orono's Fiscally Conservative Leadership?

It’s not Orono Mayor #SpendyDenny Walsh who wants to spend millions more of your tax dollars for a duplicate Fire Department we don’t want or need. This after placing Orono in higher debt than ever in history - $19 million plus interest - #MayorDennisWalsh raised city taxes 20.77%. last year.

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