Stop Mayor Walsh's Runaway Spending: Ask for Fiscal Conservancy Now

Ask Mayor Walsh where the funds are coming to buy $1million of fire equipment for the duplicate fire service.

Funny how there is no mention of where this money will be coming from and what it will affect the taxpayer?

Is #spendydenny pulling this new $1+ million from our overcharging sewer fund or our overcharging stormwater fund? Or some other slush fund earmarked for something else? Or is Mayor Walsh incurring more debt on top of the greatest debt level this city has ever seen?

Tell #denniswalsh to be honest with the taxpayers and tell us what this large expenditure will do to the city’s finances. Tell the city staff to prepare better agenda memos that paint the real story. Tell #dennywalsh to find the #fiscalconservancy he promised us during his campaign run. The taxpayers of Orono that they will not be used to support bad business decisions.

This is another million dollars of money to be spent this year after hiring a fire chief and ladder truck. This has to stop now before serious financial damage is done to Orono’s future.

Attend the June 26, 2023 City Council meeting at 6 p.m. to make your voices heard. Your voices matter on public record!


Tell Mayor Walsh to stop promoting the Fictitious Duplicate Fire Service


Ask #MayorWalsh to Listen to the Majority of Citizens