Citizens Speak Out at 1/8/24 Orono City Council Meeting
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Citizens Speak Out at 1/8/24 Orono City Council Meeting

Krista goes on to make another great point - why belittle the LLFD, and then hire their Chief and several of their Firefighters? This form of double talk to the Citizens of Orono is insulting given the vast expense that Orono taxpayers will be footing for this unnecessary fire department - millions of dollars yet to be finalized and explained in a public manner

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Heal our Community by making Your Voices Heard!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Heal our Community by making Your Voices Heard!

Please don’t assume these expensive proposals such as spending millions for another fire service can't be undone. Now that Orono Mayor Walsh has finally publicly written in the city newsletter about his go-it-alone approach to start up a fire department, the Orono citizens can speak up. Citizens can finally see how the economics and risk to public safety of this proposal doesn’t add up.

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Long Lake Files Motion and supports "threatened" Firefighter in Hennepin County Court 10/13/23
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Long Lake Files Motion and supports "threatened" Firefighter in Hennepin County Court 10/13/23

The City of Long Lake files a motion for order to show cause and a supporting memorandum of law today in Hennepin County District Court. A hearing scheduled for matter will be held November 8th regarding the recruitment and hiring of Long Lake Firefighters.

Of special note is Long Lake's support for a Firefighter who has been threatened and apparently bullied on social media by the Orono Mayor Dennis Walsh.

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Mayor Walsh Spends More and More on Failed LLFD Take Over
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Mayor Walsh Spends More and More on Failed LLFD Take Over

Mayor Dennis Walsh sure likes to spend taxpayer dollars on his pet projects doesn't he? Now he wants a temporary fire station apparently because his hostile attempt at taking over Long Lake Fire Department failed. He's hoping you don't notice that he's spending more and more funding on a duplicate fire department we don't need.

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The Deal is On the Table Orono City Council!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

The Deal is On the Table Orono City Council!

Long Lake is offering Orono more control of the Existing Fire Department. The city of Long Lake is offering to create a new governance board for the existing fire department. Orono began exploring this idea until Mayor Walsh stopped the negotiations.

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How many Millions are Orono Citizens going to let Mayor Walsh run over?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

How many Millions are Orono Citizens going to let Mayor Walsh run over?

Ever heard the comment you are up to your eyeballs in debt? Well that may very well be the case already in Orono. If #spendydenny Walsh gets his new duplicate fire department this coming Monday, he apparently will spend anywhere from $7 million up to $15 million as estimated by former Firefighters.

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Important Orono Meeting! 5/22/23
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Important Orono Meeting! 5/22/23

Do not miss this meeting at 6 p.m.! If you care about your taxes going up and fire service in our community ie: your insurance premiums going up please attend and make your voices heard!

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