Heal our Community by making Your Voices Heard!

Please don’t assume these expensive proposals such as spending millions for another fire service can't be undone. Now that Orono Mayor Walsh has finally publicly written in the city newsletter about his go-it-alone approach to start up a fire department, the Orono citizens can speak up. Citizens can finally see how the economics and risk to public safety of this proposal doesn’t add up.

The timeline for trying to provide our own fire department creates a major risk scenario. Navarre community, you are proposed to be the guinea pig of this start up fire service next July. That is assuming the city can build a temporary fire addition next to the existing fire station in 6 months to serve the area. Six months is a very short time to design and build an operational fire house.

The Navarre area will serve as the training ground for this new department that has never worked together. Long Lake Fire out of the Navarre station will not be serving your neighborhood next summer if this proposal goes through. It is not too late to speak up about the risks of this proposal and ask to keep your fire service the same as it is now by continuing with Long Lake.

Remember that we are never too far down any road to halt activities and choose a more fiscally responsible path.

Please attend City Council meetings to make your voices heard. There is a meeting tonight Monday, Nov 13th at 6:00 PM.

#friendsoforono #cityoforono #orono #llfd


Breaking News: The City of Orono is found in Contempt and their motion to strike is DENIED.


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