Orono Citizens! And especially Navarre Residents!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Citizens! And especially Navarre Residents!

How many Fire Forums has Orono held for You? ZERO.

How many Fire Forums has Long Lake held for You? TWO!!

In other news documented in the attached article we find out that OFD doesn't have boat nor a tanker truck. Did they forget? or Omit? Or?

Does this all seem unplanned and rushed? After all, they are charging tens of millions of dollars for Orono Fire that seems to be missing equipment, a fire house and a full team to do the job.

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Is a lean-to garage really safe as a Fire Station in Navarre?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is a lean-to garage really safe as a Fire Station in Navarre?

Orono is setting up its new fire department on a hope and a prayer

At Monday night’s meeting, Orono City Council will be discussing whether they are able to start their own controversial fire department slated for the Navarre service area this July 1st.

The hope is that they can park their equipment in a yet-to-be-built garage next to the Navarre water tower.

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Heal our Community by making Your Voices Heard!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Heal our Community by making Your Voices Heard!

Please don’t assume these expensive proposals such as spending millions for another fire service can't be undone. Now that Orono Mayor Walsh has finally publicly written in the city newsletter about his go-it-alone approach to start up a fire department, the Orono citizens can speak up. Citizens can finally see how the economics and risk to public safety of this proposal doesn’t add up.

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