Orono Citizens! And especially Navarre Residents!

How many Fire Forums has Orono held for You? ZERO.

How many Fire Forums has Long Lake held for You? TWO!!

In other news documented in the attached article we find out that OFD doesn't have boat nor a tanker truck. Did they forget? or Omit? Or?

Does this all seem unplanned and rushed? After all, they are charging tens of millions of dollars for Orono Fire that seems to be missing equipment, a fire house and a full team to do the job.

Ask Mayor Walsh and Orono Council member Maria Veach (whose husband works for OFD) to make Safety First!

Link to full article here: https://www.hometownsource.com/laker_pioneer/community/fire-services-take-center-stage-at-long-lake-forum/article_1fe9cb6a-2726-11ef-8b3f-cfc3ddee43d9.html

#togetherwearebetter Friends of Orono


Fire Forum: Long Lake Fire Service Updates


Orono Citizen writes concern about Orono's Fire Services