Orono Citizens! And especially Navarre Residents!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Citizens! And especially Navarre Residents!

How many Fire Forums has Orono held for You? ZERO.

How many Fire Forums has Long Lake held for You? TWO!!

In other news documented in the attached article we find out that OFD doesn't have boat nor a tanker truck. Did they forget? or Omit? Or?

Does this all seem unplanned and rushed? After all, they are charging tens of millions of dollars for Orono Fire that seems to be missing equipment, a fire house and a full team to do the job.

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Mayor Walsh's "Great Ride" at Taxpayer Expense
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Mayor Walsh's "Great Ride" at Taxpayer Expense

Mayor Walsh’s messages in the city newsletter boast of the last eight years being a “great ride”. Much of that "great ride” for him has come at the expense of increasing the city’s tax levy over 80% in those eight years. It's a great ride if one can spend, spend, spend.

Orono’s tax base and citizens' house assessments have never been higher in the city’s history. Inflated home values and new density developments have created the largest tax base from which to tax and spend. Repairing roads and maintaining parks is great but not creating a whole new fire department and going into debt to build a new supersized public works building when only a new outside storage area was needed. These new projects are costing the citizens over tens of millions of dollars. Instead of getting a break in tax rates when times are good, the Orono citizens are watching their property taxes rise and the city’s reserves dwindle.

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5/28/24 Orono City Council Stands in Front of the Officers and Explorers
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

5/28/24 Orono City Council Stands in Front of the Officers and Explorers

Monday, May 28, 2024, the Orono City Council meeting, a ceremony was held for two new police officers and a recognition of the group of Orono Police Explorers. This is the photo that was posted of the event.

To our new officers and Explorers - please note that the Orono citizens hold you front and center in appreciation for your work. This photo unfortunately showcases three city council members hamming it up in front of the good work you do. This photo should not be about a campaign opportunity, but rather showcase Police officers and the Explorers.

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Do you know how much you are paying for the SUPERSIZED Public Works Building?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Do you know how much you are paying for the SUPERSIZED Public Works Building?

Orono sewer and water users are now paying for part of the project overrun on the new, oversized Public Works Building. Originally proposed at $11 million, the building was then supersized by Mayor Walsh with the goal of it “serving the city for 100 years”.

The city then naively bonded for $13 million only to have the first round of construction bids came in at $18 million. Walsh and staff then scrambled to find things to cut from the project to add back in at later dates.

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Breaking News: Wealthy Orono leverages Charitable Org to design/build structure in For Profit Golf Course
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Breaking News: Wealthy Orono leverages Charitable Org to design/build structure in For Profit Golf Course

Breaking News: Wealthy Orono leverages Charitable Org

to design/build structure in For Profit Golf Course

Orono Mayor Denny Walsh has coordinated behind the scenes to have a structure built on the Orono Golf Course. What is odd about this is that he is asking the Charitable Organization @Lionsclub to do it.

Currently, Walsh is spending tens of millions on other Orono projects so why rope in a charity to build something for - dare we say - a sport for the wealthy? Is it because he has run out of park funding right now in Orono? Is it because he wants this built for another special interest group?

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Why is Mayor Walsh Building without the Citizens?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why is Mayor Walsh Building without the Citizens?

Today is the day to write a quick email to Orono’s City Administrator Adam Edwards! aedwards@oronomn.gov

Tell him why this Pavilion or Lean-to as Mayor Walsh calls it should be on hold until Citizens can share their ideas and opinions.

Orono’s Public Golf Course is a historic property and should be carefully considered when planning major changes.

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4/10/24 Coffee with Mayor: Shame&Blame LL, Citizens; Misquotes, Misinformation, Meanness, &Dating??
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

4/10/24 Coffee with Mayor: Shame&Blame LL, Citizens; Misquotes, Misinformation, Meanness, &Dating??

More Unbelievable Conversation with Orono City Officials

Listen to Mayor Walsh and Orono Planning Commissioner Dennis Libby deflect, distract and appear to blame and shame not only a Citizen at the meeting, but the City of Long Lake public officials as well.

Listen to Orono/Long Lake Firefighter apparently misquote Long Lake Mayor Miner, and then disparage the City of Long Lake.

Listen to Orono City Council member Maria Veach compare the process of fire service negotiations to her own experience of “dating in high school.” She is also taking credit for bringing the two “sides” together apparently against open meeting law.

The Citizen attending the meeting did point out that the Orono City Council does vote against Staff recommendations regularly, so if there is a plan from the two City Administrators/Fire Chiefs put forth, what will stop Walsh from block-voting against it? (Great point and this entire exercise may be a complete waste of time as the earlier Seals/Johnson negotiations were. And remember, Walsh cut the cord on communication just as there appeared to be an agreement.)

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A Quote for Mayor Walsh
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

A Quote for Mayor Walsh

How can a couple of council members and Mayor Walsh think spending millions to create an entirely new fire department makes any sense? Where is their responsibility to the Orono taxpayers who would have to fund this?

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