5/28/24 Orono City Council Stands in Front of the Officers and Explorers

Monday, May 28, 2024, the Orono City Council meeting, a ceremony was held for two new police officers and a recognition of the group of Orono Police Explorers. This is the photo that was posted of the event.

To our new officers and Explorers - please note that the Orono citizens hold you front and center in appreciation for your work. This photo unfortunately showcases three city council members hamming it up in front of the good work you do. This photo should not be about a campaign opportunity, but rather showcase Police officers and the Explorers.

This was an unprofessional stunt by these three council members and not what many Orono citizens would like to have as an appreciation. And kudos to Council Member Benson who stood off to the side and let the officers and Explorers at least be center (even if they could not front and center).

#togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono


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