Breaking News: Wealthy Orono leverages Charitable Org to design/build structure in For Profit Golf Course

Orono Mayor Denny Walsh has coordinated behind the scenes to have a structure built on the Orono Golf Course. What is odd about this is that he is asking the Charitable Organization @Lionsclub to do it.

Currently, Walsh is spending tens of millions on other Orono projects so why rope in a charity to build something for - dare we say - a sport for the wealthy? Is it because he has run out of park funding right now in Orono? Is it because he wants this built for another special interest group?

Are the citizens in Orono needy? lists Orono as the sixth richest city in Minnesota. Another article lists Orono as one of richest cities in America. So why are the Lions Club building something for the wealthy?

Checking into the Lions Club, it appears that they are charitable. Their website shows a mission statement “To empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian services and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding.”

The Lions Club global causes are stated as childhood cancer, diabetes, disaster relief, environment, humanitarian, hunger, vision, youth. See here: So does a structure on a for profit golf course meet those causes? Seems not.

Tell Mayor Walsh and those at the district level of the Lions Club that something should be stopped here in Orono. The Lions Club should be focused on helping those in need, not building structures for our Mayor and his friends because as we all know, they can afford to do it themselves.

Tell Mayor Walsh to stop competing with other more needy causes. Make your voices heard on the public record for all Citizens at the next Park Commission and City Council meetings.

#togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono


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