Why is Mayor Walsh Building without the Citizens?

Today is the day to write a quick email to Orono’s City Administrator Adam Edwards! aedwards@oronomn.gov

Tell him why this Pavilion or Lean-to as Mayor Walsh calls it should be on hold until Citizens can share their ideas and opinions.

Orono’s Public Golf Course is a historic property and should be carefully considered when planning major changes.

Here are some of the considerations:


- is it safe to place an open structure in between two active golf holes? Is this structure safely placed right next to the parking lot?


- where and when was Orono going to share the details of said structure? Is this going to be built of sustainable materials?


- Or is this going to be built of wood that needs constant maintenance?


- is the design adding to or detracting from the Historic nature of this property?

Unattended Alcohol Consumption

- will anyone have access to this area and bring their own alcohol creating unsupervised drinking?

Why aren’t the Citizens being given a chance for input? If this is for the community, why isn’t the community involved?

Ask Adam Edwards to place your comments into the public record to be included in the packet for next Tuesday’s Park Commission meeting.

Your voice matters and so do our historic properties in Orono. Stop Mayor Walsh from hiding behind the Orono Lions - this your Public Property and your chance to make a difference.

#togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono


Breaking News: Wealthy Orono leverages Charitable Org to design/build structure in For Profit Golf Course


Orono Mayor Denny Walsh appears to Break Open Meeting Law