Orono Mayor Denny Walsh appears to Break Open Meeting Law

Once again, we see the flagrant disregard for process and procedure by Mayor Walsh. He decided to blast an email to the entire City Council in response to a very kind request from a Citizen. By sending an email to more than one council member, Mayor Walsh is in effect creating a quorum, and therefore subject to a violation of the Open Meeting Law according to MN Statute 13D.015.

Even more distressing is the manner in which Walsh answered honest questions about the mystery “lean-to” (the Mayor’s term) that is proposed to be constructed at Orono Public Golf Course. Walsh’s terse and abrupt tone does not show respect for a Citizen seeking answers to the city’s process.

Was Walsh’s objective to show the other council members that they need to shut down any further discussion or detailed information sharing with the citizens?

Was this a way for him to control the other council members by working around the open meeting law?

Please see the Mayor’s response on our website here: https://www.friendsoforono.org/oronopublicgolfcourse


Please send an email message to Orono City Administrator Adam Edwards here: aedwards@oronomn.gov by 5/2/24 regarding the lack of Pavilion information and the rights of the Citizens to participate in their own public asset development.

This will ensure your comments appear on the public record.

And as always please attend Park Commission and City Council meetings.

#togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono


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