Isn't the New Public Works Building just Too Big?

What is too big for a city of around 8000 people? Why did Mayor Walsh build a Public Works Building with an extra 25,000 square feet when our small down has been losing population for the last three years?

Why weren't we informed that he bonded this project at $13 million; bid it at $16 million and now has cost overruns somewhere around $22 million or more? The sad fact is he refuses to give Citizens a detailed budget in full and keeps piecemealing the details so he can keep going.

We know this is overbuilt and we have no idea what the total cost overruns are or how much the maintenance will be for such a large site. Were we informed there would be a gas station at this site? Was the DNR? Were the neighbors informed?

And dare we say this structure is not designed in the character of Orono. Size shouldn't be more important than style when we have to drive by this every single day. #eyesore

Demand the details for this pet project and not just the top spin from Walsh. #togetherwearebetter Friends of Orono


Orono Mayor Denny Walsh appears to Break Open Meeting Law


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