Do you know how much you are paying for the SUPERSIZED Public Works Building?

Orono Citizens Pay for Supersized Public Works Building Twice

Orono sewer and water users are now paying for part of the project overrun on the new, oversized Public Works Building. Originally proposed at $11 million, the building was then supersized by Mayor Walsh with the goal of it “serving the city for 100 years”.

The city then naively bonded for $13 million only to have the first round of construction bids came in at $18 million. Walsh and staff then scrambled to find things to cut from the project to add back in at later dates.

A second bid of $16 million was accepted and to make up the shortfall from what was bonded, over $2.6 million is being drained from the sewer and water enterprise funds to make up the difference.

Orono sewer and water folks are paying TWICE for this oversized building - first in property tax for the annual debt levy and second in utility fees to support the depletion of the sewer and water reserves.

Never in Orono’s history has such a poorly planned project had such a large negative impact on the city’s fiscal strength. And in addition to this oversized building is an oversized interest cost as the debt is to be carried over 25 years costing Orono taxpayers an additional $5 million in just interest alone.

Stop Orono’s fiscal irresponsibility. Stop building supersized projects we don’t need or want by taking funds from our sewer and water funds. Lower our rates - no wonder Orono’s sewer rates are second highest in the west metro.

#togetherwearebetter Friends of Orono


Were Citizens asked about the Duplicate Fire Service?


Navarre and Surrounding Residents Should be Concerned