Do you know how much you are paying for the SUPERSIZED Public Works Building?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Do you know how much you are paying for the SUPERSIZED Public Works Building?

Orono sewer and water users are now paying for part of the project overrun on the new, oversized Public Works Building. Originally proposed at $11 million, the building was then supersized by Mayor Walsh with the goal of it “serving the city for 100 years”.

The city then naively bonded for $13 million only to have the first round of construction bids came in at $18 million. Walsh and staff then scrambled to find things to cut from the project to add back in at later dates.

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Orono’s “Taj Mahal” Public Works Open House
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono’s “Taj Mahal” Public Works Open House

So here's the truth about the Taj Mahal and a budget overrun of nearly double:

This ridiculously large and frankly warehouse style building now sits as the monument to the Walsh regime. Unattractive? Too large for a City of around 3200 homes losing population for the last three years? No one wants to buy services from Orono now until there's a new administration City of Orono, Minnesota Government

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